Going Through The Updates

Things have been getting written.


I’ve finished the first draft of a new group of lyrics. They’ll be refined over time, but the pieces that will be part of this grouping are now locked in at least. When it was being developed as something that would have smaller chunks released seasonally, I’d tentatively called it Closed Quarters. Now it’s called Going Through The Motions and will be made up of 10 things. It’s about a certain period of time in my life and I’m hoping to release it in the fall. (Not sure if this part will actually happen, but here’s hoping!)


Another group of lyrics is in its embryonic stages as well. It’s called Reconnection Fees and is about my more current trials and tribulations. Whatever would I do without such dysfunction to draw upon?


Anyway, that’s about it for now. More information shall follow as more things get locked down.


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