Happy Inc. Leftovers

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Happy Inc. marked a really weird writing period for me.


As evidenced by the preceding three groups of lyrics, there usually wasn’t much to spare. I’d generally vomit something out and rarely edit much afterwards. As a result, most of the things were put online in an unfinished form. Of course, I didn’t realize that until starting up another personal website a few years later.


Anyway, we’ve got three things here. Living The Life was originally the second lyric page on Happy Inc. when it was released online in 2001 (you can view that version of the grouping in theĀ Fireteddy National Library, by the way.) Fun fact: It was also called Living The Lie at the time.


As for the others, they just got lost along the way. Happy Inc. was more of a writing experiment, didn’t fit and ended up being removed when the group was reposted in 2003. The Happiness It Brings seemed like a closer and I just ended up liking See You Around more in the end.


Although I’m still not a huge fan of Living The Life, Happy Inc. and The Happiness It Brings have grown on me after some small edits.


Lyrics Content


01. Living The Life

02. Happy Inc.

03. The Happiness It Brings


Living The Life


Connect all the wires right into your veins

I’m getting so tired but it’s still not the same

Everyone’s useless and disrupted like you

Well I’d sure like to help but there’s nothing to do


Living the life, you’re living the life

Isn’t this nice? Living the life


So turn on the TV and flip to the news

It’s the perfect escape from the rest of your blues

But if you’re too tired, it’s not like they care

They’ve already got you hooked into your chair


Living the life, you’re living the life

Isn’t this nice? Living the life


They fought for this, but nobody knows

Stay tuned for some announcements, it’s already time to go


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Happy Inc.


With everybody on the line

The parts glide off the belt

It’s getting far too hot outside

Now I’m pretty sure they’ll melt


The workers smile and sing their songs

So happy with their lives

With what they earn and then take home

Buying diamonds for their wives


The price you pay for happiness

It isn’t on a cheque

Put on another happy face

And try to pass the test


The price you pay for happiness

It isn’t on a cheque

When you work for happy incorporated

It’s all that you have left


When you work for happy incorporated

It’s all that you have left


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The Happiness It Brings


I used to get so angry

But now I’m just okay

So don’t be scared to call me

If you’re lost along the way


The times we shared together

Well they never were in vain

We couldn’t coast forever

So now I won’t complain


I’ll never say a thing

I’ll never say a thing


I’ll step out for awhile now

This won’t ever be goodbye

I just want to see you smiling

To wipe the tears back from your eyes


If I’m not the one to do it

Well you know I guess that’s fine

I can learn to live without it

I don’t need you to be mine


I’ll never say a thing

I’ll never say a thing

All I need to see is


The happiness it brings

The happiness it brings

The happiness it brings


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