Storyteller Sunday #5: Feral

Storyteller Sunday is a sporadic post that details the creation of specific lyrics I’ve written over the years.   Using raw emotion to inspire lyrics, sometimes it takes awhile to sculpt them into a final form.   Such is the case with Feral, one of 12 pieces included on Diurnal. It all started when I … Read more

No Time To React

Using images of self-destruction and tribalism, No Time To React paints  a bleak  landscape.   As a second taste of Diurnal, the following lyrics remain amongst its most blunt. With imagery such as deserted streets, storm-lit skies and glass houses, it was written in 2021. Inspired by the aftermath of Covid-19, it covers how maintaining … Read more

Cross Quarters

I’m at a bit of a crossroads with the seasonal release thing.   On one hand, I’m really proud of what’s been finished so far. Autumn is kind of insane and the two pieces I’ve finished for winter are my most personal  about going blind. As I mentioned, this whole thing would cover that year … Read more

White Rabbit

I’m not convinced this is actually good but thought I’d share the work in progress anyway.   Moving from kaleidoscopes Somewhere underground Going down the rabbit hole I’m lost inside a sound   Open eyes to mediate Filtered through the noise Soon enough this hunt is on It’s not like there’s a choice   This … Read more

Flashbulbs And Futures Era Lyrics Now Available In The Library

The Fireteddy National Library was updated today with a big addition.   Sifting through my past lyrics, roughly 78 new things have now been archived in this section. This covers the Flashbulbs And Futures era (opens in new tab,) along with a never before released mini-grouping called Martyrs And Saints (opens in new tab.) The latter … Read more

Dreaming Of Foxes (second draft)

Just smoothed out the rough edges of what I already had and thought I’d share.   verse   I’m dreaming of foxes Been riding in an ambulance Don’t know where I’m going There’s nothing left to see It’s only my disease   verse   I’m dreaming of foxes Been riding in an ambulance Don’t know … Read more

Dreaming Of Foxes

Another work in progress here.   It all started out with a chorus idea that had me stuck yesterday. In my head, it was more of an up tempo thing when originally written. For some reason, my mind drifted to it again during breakfast this morning and something clicked. I’ll often get random drum patterns … Read more

Black Squirrel (second draft)

I worked on Black Squirrel pretty extensively again this morning.   In the spirit of yesterday’s post, I thought I’d continue to document my work in progress. As evidenced below, I wasn’t kidding when writing that the first draft could change quite substantially. Now verses have an entirely different structure and some chorus lyrics have … Read more

Black Squirrel

Black Squirrel is an idea I’ve been developing for awhile now.   It’s still in an extremely embryonic stage (as evidenced by the lack of a second verse) but I thought I’d post it anyway. I might remove it at some point but if I don’t, it could end up looking totally different down the … Read more

Diurnal Now Available In Lyrics Section

After weeks of anticipation, sunrise has brought a new set of lyrics to the website.   I won’t bore everyone with a long pre-amble here. Diurnal, a collection of 12 new pieces, can now be found in the lyrics section. If you want to read some information  that preceded the release, the original announcement is … Read more